Questions For Dallas Limousine

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rental Service

How far in advance do I need to book a vehicle?

We recommend that our customers place their reservations as early as possible since we book all of our vehicles on a first come, first serve basis. The most popular vehicles in our fleet are often reserved months in advance, so keep that in mind as you plan your event. To ensure that the vehicle you have your eye on is available, the further in advance you can book the better!

What destinations can you take us to?

We can take you anywhere you wish to go, from bars to restaurants to nightclubs, from country clubs and wine tours, from museums and historical attractions to parks and sports events. Anywhere a bus is able to responsibly access.

Is smoking allowed on your vehicles?

No, smoking is prohibited while aboard all of our vehicles. We do understand that smokers need to be accommodated. That's why we allow for unlimited stops during the course of your reservation. If you or someone in your party requires a smoke break, notify your driver and he or she will be happy to stop for you.

Is drinking allowed on your vehicles?

Yes, drinking is allowed on our vehicles provided ALL passengers are of legal drinking age. We also require that all open alcohol containers remain on-board the vehicle at all times. If these rules are broken, the driver has the right to terminate the reservation on the spot.

Do you stock your vehicles with alcohol?

No, due to state regulations we are not allowed to provide our passengers with alcohol. So if you wish to drink during your journey, please plan to bring your own alcohol. Your driver can also stop at a store if you so ask them to.

Can we go over our time?

Typically the answer is yes, you will just need to settle up with your driver to pay for your overages at the end of the night. If you know you will be needing more time than is agreed upon when you reserve it is recommended you let us know in advance to make sure it can be accommodated.